„The most important for every person is to be proud of the work he/she is doing. “
Lev Nikolajevič Tolstoj„To be employed is not enough. The question is, what are we employed with. “
Henry David Thoreau
„A career is one’s professional path either for a lifetime or for a shorter period of life. It begins by the moment of entering the labor market trying to achieve a certain prestige. Getting prestigious in one’s occupation has impact on both social status and one’s role in society. “
PhDr. Tony. Reshaping Career
Our goal in career consulting is helping people to find answers to their questions related to their professional growth, getting oriented at labor market and recommending the best job opportunity to them.
The journey of searching for the proper job includes the following steps and it depends of the participant, which part of our offer he or she chooses – if trying to find himself / herself and one’s own potential; or simply seeking advice on writing a good CV.
Yes, we are aware of the fact that Internet is full of “how to „information and recommendations but it is only a summary of information lacking any personal experience. Our main goal is to reach mutual exchange of information, experience and understanding and creating one’s own personal experience. Already F. Bacon stated that “a direct empiric experience is the best source of knowledge”.
This part is dedicated to analyze participant’s experience, skills, expectations, preferences and motivation, as well as identifying hidden resources and talents of the assessed person.
It is important to know both your professional and personal qualities as they create the overall profile of a person.
A positive outcome can be reached only by active and open cooperation with the participant, using methods, such as directed interviews, model situations, task solving, questionnaires, tests, and others.
This part is focused on active creating of proper jobs. The basics is set according to the selected and accepted candidate’s profile and we create and select the best jobs together. We use methods, such as directed interviews, role-plays, model situations and others.
How to join and participate actively at labor market in order to get the best job – this is something we are prepared to assist with in case the candidate is interested. This is a set of advice and recommendations helping the candidate to focus on the right direction and saving both time and energy, such as:
Who can get successful in seeking for our advice?
Forms of consulting
A chosen form of consulting and its time range depends of the participants ‘experience, goals and expectations.
We approach each participant and his or her needs individually while consulting is performed as a set of consulting hours.
Price range is set for one consulting hour and is based upon agreement. This way we are trying to become helpful to everyone who has chosen us to be his/her partners in searching for self recognition and growth.
Quality guarantee – if not satisfied right after taking your consulting hour, please feel free to ask for your money back.
„Getting to know oneself is the beginning of all wisdom“.
We offer our help in searching for such steps to improve your quality of life, which might not necessary be related to work life. Although we believe everything is related to everything. To be happy, that is what we all desire for. But how do we feel in real?
We are here for you in case you feel as following, for example:
From our experience, some people do not really need any advice, they just need to work harder on themselves and their personal growth.
Getting to know yourself is both time and effort consuming. By the means of mutual dialogue we can help you in getting to know you better, recognize your sources and potential hidden inside of you. By self recognition, you might become:
As Dalai lama says: „There are only two days of the year in which we are allowed to do nothing. The one is called Yesterday and the other Tomorrow. Today is the best day to love, acts and live. “
Forms of consulting
A chosen form of consulting and its time range depends of the participants ‘experience, goals and expectations.
We approach each participant and his or her needs individually while consulting is performed as a set of consulting hours.
Price range is set for one consulting hour and is based upon agreement. This way we are trying to become helpful to everyone who has chosen us to be his/her partners in searching for self recognition and growth.
Quality guarantee – if not satisfied right after taking your consulting hour, please feel free to ask for your money back.